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Saturday, Apr. 03, 2004

This has been a weird week. Do you ever have days/weeks like that? You can't put your finger on it, but something's making you feel funny. I guess it's because I've had so much to do lately and it's stressing me out or something. All my teachers piled on the work after spring break. I'll never understand that. As far back as I can remember, every time I come back to school after spring break I get bombarded with work.

I have about five papers due between now and the end of this semester, and a statistics exam that I'm very worried about. Our teacher keeps saying how "it only gets harder," which is not very encouraging. You'd think she would be more optimistic, but all we've heard lately during class is how bad most students do during this last part of the course. Great.

Do you ever have a dream about someone, but when you wake up you can't remember the dream, but you do remember that that person was in it? Well, the other night I dreamed about Cookie, but I don't remember what. It was one of those dreams that I didn't realize it was a dream until I layed there and thought about it for a while. Anywho, when I woke up there was a pillow pressed up against my back, and I swear for at least ten minutes I layed there thinking Cookie was snuggled up next to me. Imagine my disappointment when realizing it was only a pillow.

Last night the usual IHOPpers and I went to see Matt in "The Winter's Tale." He's in a play group at FCCJ, even though he's not a student there. It's neat because all kinds of people can join the group and whatnot. The play was kinda good, but really slow and boring at some parts. It was hard to tell if it was supposed to be comical or more on the serious side. Let's just say after sitting there for three hours, I was confused, tired, and starving.

Gonna go study now. Later.

No one can hear but you're screaming so loud
You feel like you're all alone in a faceless crowd
Isn't it strange how we all get a little bit weird sometimes

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