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Without my wings I feel so small
Monday, Apr. 19, 2004

It's been ages since I actually felt like sitting down and doing this. Honestly, I don't even feel like doing it right now, but I figure I better update soon or my poor diary will start to think I abandoned her. I've just been in such a slump lately that I haven't felt like doing much of anything. Lots of stupid shit adding up to make me feel really pissed and sad all the time.

I hardly ever see Cookie anymore. A few weeks ago his car broke down, so he hasn't been able to come see me. I don't mind going to see him at all, but the fact that he is staying with a friend who lives off of Monument Road makes it tough for me to get over there, especially with my school/work schedule.

The thing that's really upsetting me is that he won't call his parents and ask them for any financial/emotional help. I'm sure that if they knew that the car they were letting their son drive completey crapped out on him, they would do something to help him get a new vehicle. And another thing, they are the ones paying the car payment and insurance, so I think they deserve to know that the car is kaput and there's no need to pay for it anymore. They just need to get rid of it.

Obviously, since his car doesn't work anymore, he's out of a job. So now he has no job, no money, no car, and he is currently living with a friend who isn't making him pay rent. It's a really, really shitty situation. I want so badly to tell him to get a job within walking distance (there's actually quite a few places he could go) and work for a while, make enough to get a used car, and go from there. But if I even mention the situation he yells and yells and says he's stressed and then I cry and cry and cry. It's a pattern I've grown too used to. And it doesn't help that everywhere I turn I hear "Everytime" playing. Sad song making me feel way worse.

But enough about that. I was in St. Augustine Easter weekend, and I saw the While You Were Out crew! It was pretty neat, they were doing a room in a bed and breakfast, and the truck was out in plain sight. We got some pictures by the truck (we must've looked like freakin' tourists, lol) and then went and inquired about the where the cast was. Of course they couldn't come outside, but the next day (Easter) we snuck around to the back of the building and caught a few glimpses. It was cool, I think I saw Evan Farmer's arm, haha.

Work is sucky (as usual). I cannot explain to you people how much I miss Tasha. She was the best boss ever in the entire world, and our poor pharmacy has gone to shit because of new management. And of course we all know how Angela lets Tasheena walk all over her. But actually, Angela's been standing up for herself more lately, but Tasheena's still giving everybody crap. She's like the Omarosa of our pharmacy, heh. I would fire her. "Tasheena, you're fired!" Ohh, it would feel so good.

Speaking of The Donald, I am way bummed out that the show is over. I loved The Apprentice like nobody's business. We all know Bill won (and wow is he cute!), and my little Kwame finished second. I really miss Katrina and Troy, they were my favorites. But above all, I miss The Donald. I freakin' love that man. And I will miss his cobra-like hand gesture and the way he said, "You're fired!" I know there is a second season coming up, but it just won't be the same without all my old faves.

During the past couple weeks, my mom has been hinting that she thinks I'm fat. "You sit around too much." "You need to get on a better exercise program." "Eat healthier." I feel like I've somehow disappointed her by not being as perfectly in shape as she is. Any of you who know my mother know she's gorgeous and has a perfect little tight body. I'm the complete opposite, seeing as I took more after my dad's physical qualities. He's always said that he and I have to work really hard to get in good shape, so I guess I'm just not working hard enough, eh? Anyway, the other day Mom says, "We're going on a low carb diet." So now I'm on a damn low carb diet. We're not going as hardcore as Atkins, more like South Beach Diet, I think. Yay.

In movie news, I saw Hellboy last week and it was craparific. Not at all like I thought it'd be. I was surprised because I usually like those comic book movies, but not this one. Don't waste your time if you were thinking about seeing it. Now, a movie I would highly recommend you go see (if you haven't already) is Kill Bill Volume 2! Oh my god kick ass! W00ties for Quentin Tarantino!

Okay, last thing. The "Everytime" video. Rocked my socks off. A lot of people are saying it doesn't make sense and it's confusing. In a nut shell, something hits her on the head (a camera, shard of glass perhaps?), and she doesn't realize this until it's too late and she dies. Then she's reincarnated into the little baby. When she comes up out of the tub at the end, that's the reincarnated Brit, all happy and smiley because she is a normal person and doesn't have to deal with fame and shit. At least that's what I got from it. I think it's pretty cool.

Well, I think that about does it for me. Now I have to go up to UNF to practice for this stupid play I have to do tomorrow in class. Fun. 'Til next time...

I make believe
That you are here
It's the only way
I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy

And everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby

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