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A Lot Happier
Monday, May. 17, 2004

Wow, it's been a while since I've updated! Anywho, as most of you have heard or assumed, Cookalicious and I are indeed back together. Say what you want, I really don't care! So what if I have no will power. Like I said before, Ross is to Rachel as Cookie is to Erin.

A lot of people are unahppy about my situation because they say he'll never change. Well, I know it's only been a couple weeks, but he has done some drastic changing within that time. He got a new car and it's all his, no payments or anything. It's a 99 Grand Am GT, and it is so nice! And since he got a new car, he got his old job back. Oh, and he also moved back in with his parents (like I'd been telling him to do for ages, lol) and he actually admitted that it was the best thing for him to do.

Not only am I happy about all this, but I can tell he is a lot happier, too. He's back to the old Cookie. I mean, he's changed and grown a lot over the past year or so, in good ways and some not so good. But now that he's done so much to fix his life, he's acting more and more like the person he was when we first started dating. He doesn't get angry anymore, and he's always smiling and laughing.

He's also a lot nicer to me. He was telling me that during the week that we were broken up everything reminded him of me, and even though he agreed with me when I said the relationship wasn't working, once I wasn't there offering him any support, he realized how much he needed me. Some people might brush off comments like that and think they were cheesy, but I believe him. It sucks that it took me breaking up with him to realize all that, but better late than never I guess. But anywho, I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm a hell of a lot happier now, and so is he, and that's all I care about.

In school news, I started two of my summer classes last week. Oh my god they freakin' rock! My first class is Comparative Religion, and it's so interesting. Right now we're studying Hinduism, and I'll be damned if I don't want to be a Hindu! Okay, so I'm not really going to switch religions, but it's such a cool religion. It's so nice learning the truth about religions like that, especially after being told they're "evil" but stupid UC people. FYI, all you lying UC bastards, Hindu's don't worship idols, they worship what they represent. And they don't have zillions of gods, they only have one , Brahma, and there are many representations of him.

My other class is Themes/Types in Lit, and holy crap did I get lucky. The Hobbit and Harry Potter are on the reading list, and we get to watch Big Fish as part of the class. My teacher is a Tolkien fanatic and a huge geek, just like me! I dominated in class on Thursday, answering all kinds of questions and knowing all kinds of background hobbity info. It was great. I didn't think I'd ever say it, but I am SO looking forward to class tomorrow.

While I'm on the topic of school, I've been thinking about changing my major. Right now it's Communications on the Public Relations track. But the more I think about it, I'm just taking the easy way out and I won't get a totally awesome job with it. Sure, I'd get an okay job, but eh. So Dad's really been pushing me to go for a business degree, and I think I'm finally coming around. I'm going to go to the advisors tomorrow and see what all I'd need to take to catch up. Probably not too much, considering I'm still getting my gen ed out of the way. I might have to switch a couple of my fall classes around, but that's no big deal. We shall see.

Cookie and I saw Van Helsing this weekend. It was pretty good, not as cool as I thought it'd be, though. Still worth seeing, though. And holy crap Kate Beckinsale was so damn pretty in that movie, but when is she not? But yeah, we also really wanted to see Troy, but we decided to wait til next weekend when it wouldn't be so crowded. I hear it's pretty cool, though.

Well, I guess that's a sufficient update. I'm gonna go eat, study, etc. Later!

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