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No More Accounting For Me
Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2004

This is so weird... I actually have time on my hands. It's been a while since that happened! I usually have school or work or something keeping me busy. But I'm skipping my math class right now, and may possibly withdraw from it in the near future, so I have time to chillax!

Yeah, that's right, withdraw. I've already wussed out of Accounting (hated it with a passion). But I've been much happier ever since (ask anyone), and less stressed. Only reason I'm considering dropping math is that I decided to switch my major back to communications, and I simply don't need the class. As long as I have 6 credit hours my Bright Futures Scholarship will stay in tact, so I guess it's not that big of a deal. Call me a slacker, see what I care. Long as I'm happy and stress free, it's all gravy in my opinion.

Today was an awesome day. First of all, I got to sleep in (I normally have Accounting Wednesday mornings, but since I dropped it and all...). Then Devon came over and hung out for a while, and at 2:30 we went to a yoga class at UNF. It was pretty cool, kind of like a Mind~Body class. Then we headed over to the Yoga Den for Alyson's 4:15. My mom even ducked out of work early so she could go. It was so fun!

After that, Devon and I went to Smoothie King and it was soooo yummy. Then I came home and took a shower, and now I'm just doing nothing. Should be studying for that Macroeconomics class, but I honestly don't know what to study. Our teacher yabbers on about nothing the entire class, things that aren't even that relevant, and he doesn't use the book at all. So it'll be really interesting to see what's on that test tomrrow.

Well, I'm runnin' outta things to talk about, so I guess I'll go ahead and peace out. Till next time...

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