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Cookie's Adventure (and some other stuff)
Monday, Nov. 29, 2004

My poor, poor Cookie. What a rough few weeks he's had. I still cannot believe the misfortune that has befallen him. It all started about three weeks ago. He was off work, but they got really busy and asked him to drive for a couple hours. While he was on a delivery, someone jumped out of the bushes with a gun (!!!) and took his wallet. So now he has no license or social security card. So that was pretty bad, but what happened this past Tuesday night was even worse.

Cookie was the manager on duty, so he has to remain inside the store at all times. Well, one of his drivers was out on the road and almost hit a woman who was walking down the middle of the road (dumb bitch). So she called the cops, and they came to Domino's. They came up to Cookie and started harassing him, and then they said, "We know you're the driver of that car, we just saw you get out of it and come in here." But of course we all know that just simply isn't true because the managers don't leave the store when they are on duty.

Then the cops asked him what his name was, and he told them, and he showed them that his name was printed on his shirt. Then, for whatever reason, they slam him up against the wall, cuff him, take him outside, throw him down on the concrete, beat the shit out of him (breaking his glasses in the process), and take him downtown. Holy crap.

The supervisor and the district manager of Domino's totally have his back, and they bailed him out and hired a team of lawyers to handle the case, and his parents also hired a lawyer. Those cops are totally screwed. One of them wasn't even on duty, and in their police report it says they tried to arrest him because he "wouldn't identify himself" (which he did) and then for "resisting arrest." Oh, please. I still cannot believe that it actually happened. You don't think of that sort of thing happening in real life, let alone to someone you know. I'm just so happy that he's okay.

Anywho, on a lighter note, Thanksgiving was really fun. The usual crowd went over to Granny and PaPa's house (me, Mom, Brian, Doug, Francie, and the kids). The girls and I watched Shrek, and we ate (and ate and ate) and it was soooo good. For dessert we had chocolate pie and pumpkin pie, and it was yummy in my tummy.

We left around 8, and then I went over to Cookie's house. He was limping and hurting from his police adventure. I felt so bad for him. Honkey, his gf, and a couple other people were there, as well as Cookie's parents, some of their friends, his aunt and his grandmother (but she was asleep the whole time). We had a really good time. We watched Master and Commander, but I kept falling asleep so I can't really say if it was good or not. I just remember that they cut off that boy's arm, and I have issues with loss of limbs, so it disturbed me a bit.

A few days ago Mom and I drove by the new Yoga Den building. Holy cow it's so awesome! There are lots of trees and a pretty outdoor staircase and lots of room for all kinds of fun things! I haven't actually been inside yet (it was locked), but we peeked through the mail slot and it looked awesome. Tomorrow night will be the first time I go to a class there, so that's pretty exciting! I will miss the old studio, but this place has so much more potential that I don't think I will miss it for long.

Friday Mom, Brian, and I went to Target to get our Christmas tree. We picked one out of the 5-6 foot category, and payed about $34 for it. Then we showed the guy who was trimming the trees how many branches we wanted trimmed off the bottom of the tree (about a foot or so) so it would fit into the tree stand. Well, he was dumb as dirt and instead of trimming branches, he trimmed the whole trunk off, making our tree about a foot shorter. So we threw a hissy fit (because we payed for a 5-6 foot tree that now was 4-5 feet), and they ended up letting us pick any tree of our choice. So now we have a 7 foot tree (worth about $60!). Omg it's so awesomely huge! I guess that it was a blessing in disguise. Hehe.

This probably shouldn't be in my diary (as it is directed to only one person) but I know that she will see it if it is here. Hey Megan! How was Germany? You're so lucky. Anywho, I don't know what's going on for movie night yet. When are you coming back? I think that Mike is mad at me. I don't know. I hope not, because movie night would not be complete without him (or Casey or Jamie or you). But anyway, hope to see you soon, bye! :)

Well, I think that's about it for now. Later dudes.

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