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Crow Complex
Friday, Dec. 03, 2004

Yesterday was my last lab! Woohoo! You have no idea how glad I am that�s over. I�ll never have to be in another lab class ever again. That makes me so happy. And I just looked on Blackboard to check my grade, and I got 97% in lab! Go me! That will definitely help out my overall grade, especially since I have a failing test grade factoring in. Hopefully the final won�t be too bad. If I do good on it, I might actually end up with a high B (possibly a low A?) in the class.

For those of you who inquired, Cookie is doing much better. He�s back to work now, and this coming Tuesday he has an appointment with a lawyer to hear the latest. I hope he gets some money out of this. I mean, not in a greedy way or anything, but those jerk off cops were so terrible to him, and I think he deserves more than an �official apology,� which might be all he gets. He�ll probably get a little something out of it at least, but a lot would be nice. ;)

Last weekend Cookie and I went to see National Treasure. It was pretty good. Very clever movie. Lots of history in there, but in a good way. Those people had to do a lot of research to put that movie together, and that�s pretty cool. Oh, and when we got to the theater, I saw one of those cardboard cut-out things advertising a movie that I�ve been waiting for for a loooong freakin� time� The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe! W00t!! Am so terribly exciting can hardly contain self.

There are just so many movies out now, or coming out in the near future, that I want to see. Finding Neverland still isn�t playing in Jacksonville. Stupid select cities movies. I hate that. I waited and waited for that movie, and right when I was all geared up to see it, I realized it wasn�t even showing here. Grr. I also want to see Alexander, but I�ve heard from a few people that it wasn�t that great. But the main thing they complained about was the �gayness.� But hey, they�re just staying true to history. Didn�t Prof. Halsall talk about how he was gay, Devon? Or maybe it was just the Greek guys� I dunno.

Oh, this was pretty cool. One of the trailers we saw at National Treasure was so freakin� awesome I almost peed my pants. At first I couldn�t believe they actually made the movie, but they did� The Hitchhikers Guide! Hooooly crap it�s gonna be so awesome. Am so excited. Note the number 42 in the upper left corner of the screen during the trailer, hehe.

So this was our first week at the new Mandarin YD. It�s really awesome, but right now there�s not a lot of space. They still need to knock down another wall, but I don�t know how soon they�re going to do it. Hopefully they won�t wait too much longer, because I�ve already heard a lot of people complaining about how tight it is. I don�t mind being close, I think it�s kinda cool to be all squished up close, but some people don�t, and I just don�t want them to lose any business.

And speaking of YD, a few months ago Alyson asked me to take her teacher training class that starts in January. Part of me really wants to. I�d learn so much and get a lot out of it. But I�m hesitant because Mom already wants to quit teaching. In fact, it�s been more than a month since she told Alyson she wasn�t going to teach anymore, and they still haven�t found her a replacement. My mom�s been stressed lately because she has a full-time job (she�s the only teacher at the studio who has a real job) and she�s been teaching twice a week, plus she�s been trying to get in her own practice. I just don�t want to end up like that, trying to juggle school, work, possibly teaching a class, plus doing my own yoga. But we�ll see.

Urgh, I�m so frustrated. I still can�t do the crow, and I work on it almost every day. I�d be so happy if I could just do that friggn� posture. The other night in my room I was practicing and I totally ate it! lol. I fell sideways, sort of on my face and sort of on my right arm. I got a killer rug burn on my elbow, and it�s pretty nasty. I have bruises all over my triceps from all the pressure I put on them. I swear I�m developing a crow complex. When the hell am I going to be able to do it?! I think it�s mental, but how long can a mental barrier last, damnit?

Alrighty, I�m gonna go because the Cookinator is on his way over. Later!

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