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Yoga Tangents
Sunday, Feb. 06, 2005

Yesterday was a good day. It started out with an English muffin and some cranberry juice, and that's always good. Then Mom and I went to yoga, and that, too, is always good, especially since the Mandarin studio got wood floors (yay!). We usually go to Pam's class on Saturdays, but we went to Alyson's yesterday because lucky Pam is here, and so is Mark (in fact, I think that might actually be him in one of the pictures). They are so lucky. There are, however, rumors that Baron's going to be in J-ville soon. ;)

Anywho, after yoga we came home and took our showers, and then we headed to my cousin Patrick's birthday party. He turned 6, and he is just the cutest thing. He had a Star Wars themed party, and all the kids had on Jango Fett masks and they were so funny. The party was at a really cool park in Jax Beach, and everybody (myself included) had a ton of fun.

On the way home from Patrick�s party, Mom, Brian, and I stopped by Costco. I don�t know what it is about that place, but it�s like a mini-adventure when you go there. We always have a good time at Costco. We tried just about every free sample there was, and they were so yummy! Brian and I kept walking by the lady with the fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and taking a few at a time, hehe.

After the Costco trip, I came home and Mom and Brian went downtown to check out the Super Bowl festivities. I was so not interested in going down there. I�m just not big into crowds. I would much rather stay home and chill, and just watch it all on TV. But anywho, I was home alone and decided to call Devon because we had talked about getting together this weekend to work on our speeches.

I ended up going over to her house shortly after we got off the phone, and we had a blast as usual. We worked on our speeches a little here and there, but of course we were distracted by Hanson videos and Friday�s episode of Passions, ha. But I think we still got a lot accomplished. We also kept getting off track because my speech is on yoga, and that would always make us go off on tangents about yoga. By the way, Devon, I made an album of the pictures.

Speaking of pictures, I finally added the Christmas 2004 pictures, as well as a few new Taylor pictures (the last four are the only new ones).

Urghh� I miss my Cookie so much. Haven�t seen him in over two weeks. And I don�t think he has another day off until next Sunday, and that�s a week from today! Wtf, mate?! I mean seriously, no one should have to work that much. I keep telling him that the current store manager is taking advantage of him, because Cookie always gets the crappiest schedule, and he almost always closes (which means he�s there until 2 or 3 in the morning sometimes). I just wish he�d say something, but of course he won�t, and so we never freaking see eachother EVER. Fuck fuck fuck.

Anywho, it�s already 1 p.m. and I have a speech to condense (it�s way too long, and I really don�t want to cut any more stuff out of it, but I have to and that sucks), along with a Kinship test to study for, and two Psych chapters to read. Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

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