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Inspired by Ganesh
Sunday, Feb. 20, 2005

This was a pretty good weekend. Nothing spectacular happened or anything, but it was good. Friday was nice. Started out with yoga, and then a whole lotta nothin' during the day. Around 6-ish Cookie came over to stay the night (Mom and Brian were out of town). I gave him the Jesus action figure I got him in St. Augustine, and he loved it. We decided to just stay in and chill. We ordered a pizza and watched TLC for hours. Seriously, hours. What Not to Wear, Clean Sweep... fun stuff.

Around midnight we decided to go to bed. This is when the trouble started. We both have queen size beds, and we are both used to having our beds to ourselves, but I have the biggest problem with this. When I sleep I am sprawled out all over the entire bed, so being stuck with just one side is torture for me. But I try to make the best of it. Then there was another problem: my mattress was not agreeing with Cookie's bad back...

He tossed and turned for hours (in turn making me do the same, but this was partly because of the fact that I needed more room). I swear we must've woken up fifty times during the night. I finally got to sleep, but woke up a few hours later to realize that Cookie wasn't in the bed. I went out to the den and he was on the couch. He said there was something weird about my mattress and he couldn't sleep on it. But then he said he couldn't sleep very well out on the couch because I was in the other room... awww. I just love him. But yeah, because of all that the night pretty much sucked.

I don't know about any of you people, but I'm quite worried about sharing a bed when I start living with/get married to Cookie. Like I said, I need me some space. I guess Cookie and I will just have to get a king size bed, because obviously we both have some issues with queens. My mom has a king, and I've slept in it with her a few times (shut up) and had no problems. So that will probably be the solution when the time comes. Anywho.

Saturday I got up early and went to yoga, and Cookie had to get up early, too, because he was opening at work. After that I came home and just wasted my entire day. I read a little for psychology and speech, but that was really it. I watched a lot of TLC again. Really a waste of a day.

Random blurp: I think Lotus is a good name for a little girl. Cookie wants to name our son Alaster Russel (I've already established that if this happens, I will call him Rusty), so if I agree to that, maybe he will agree to Lotus for our daughter.

Today was good. Mom and I went to Target (Southside), Starbucks, Burlington, Marshall's, TJ Maxx, World Market, and Target (Mandarin). We ended up with a new bedspread and pillows for the guest bedroom (they are sooo awesome, from the Global Bazaar collection at Target), a cool vase, an elephant statue, elephant book ends, an amazingly kick ass statue of Ganesh, and much, much more. The best part? The Ganesh statue inspired the idea for our tattoos. :)

For a while now Mom and I have been talking about getting matching OM tattoos, but weren't quite sure where to get them. I had thought about the back of my neck, or the small of my back, but was afraid I'd regret it one day. Mom had no idea where she wanted hers. But then we got this Ganesh statue, and he has a flower "tattooed" onto the bottom of his foot. I know it'd be painful, but how awesome would that be?! We both agreed that we would do it, sometime around her birthday (which is in April). I'm so stoked! :)

Well, it's getting late and I should probably be looking over my biology lectures. Our test is Thursday and I haven't studied or read anything. Yikes. Anywho, later!

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