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Tricksy Hobbitses
Monday, Jan. 27, 2003

I need to break this habit of staying up late on school nights. I used to go to bed as early as 8 or 9:00 p.m., but as of late I�ve been getting to bed around 11 or 12 p.m. Sheesh. Last night I lost track of time because I was talking to Cookie on the phone, and didn�t get much sleep. I was very tired at school today.

Mrs. Quinn gave us a lot of homework tonight. We�re currently reading The Canterbury Tales, and one of our assignments was to write a poem about a modern day person who is making the pilgrimage to Canterbury and why. My mom helped me write mine, and it�s quite good (see previous entry entitled Canterbury Field Goal). We were pleased with ourselves. Mrs. Quinn also gave us a bunch of vocabulary words to define. I�m going to try to start using them in my entries so I get a better understanding of the words, although I can�t remember any of them right now� I�ll start doing that another day.

After school I had a dentist appointment. While I was in the waiting room, I read The Passage of the Marshes (Chapter 2, Book 4, TTT). Tricksy hobbitses. Heehee. I enjoyed that chapter immensely. I love Smeagol! I do! Oh yes, and my dentist says I have gorgeous teeth. Wonderful! That is one thing I like about myself, my teeth. Well, my mouth in general. I enjoy my lips and my teeth. I also like my hair. That�s it though. I wish I could look more like Britney Spears, or at least have a body similar to hers� gee, what a nice thought.

On my way home from the dentist, I stopped by Borders and bought my own copy of The Canterbury Tales (our teacher lets us read from books in class, but we are not allowed to take them home, and I wanted my own copy just in case I needed a reference). I also bought an Eowyn bookmark. I wasn�t too fond of Eowyn at first, but I think I am warming up to her character. I really like these FOTR bookmarks better than TTT ones (mainly because I want one with Arwen on it) but I can�t seem to find them anywhere. Poo.

While I was at Borders, I was contemplating what novel I wanted to read for my next book report (our first in-class essay/book report is tomorrow� mine is on TTT!). I don�t really want to read ROTK yet, because I sort of want to see the movie first. I know, I know, everyone always says to read the book before you see the movie, but people only say that because the movies usually suck. Well, the LOTR movies are on the same level as Tolkien�s writings as far as I�m concerned, and I like not knowing what�s going to happen in the movie� I�m going to try to wait and see the movie. Yes yes. Movie first, then book. My movie� my precious.

But anywho, I was trying to figure out my next novel, when I remembered The Chronicles of Narnia! I found a box set of all seven of them in paper back for $40, which is a fair price, considering the hard back set was over $100! Egad! I didn�t have enough money on me at the time to all of my lovely books, though, so I bought The Canterbury Tales and my bookmark, and promised myself I�d come back later for The Chronicles Of Narnia�

I worked from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. today in the pharmacy. I�m so sick of the stupid pharmacy I could scream. I can�t wait until the new Level 2 starts working (I really wish Harlan was coming back though). I have heard she is going to start mid-February, so that�s good. Then I will go back to working every other Sunday in the �ol Target Pharmacy, and things will be lovely again. Right now things are crazy, and I think I�m working too much. Here is my schedule� what do you think? Monday 3-7, Tuesday 3-7, Wednesday 1-7, Thursday 1-5, Friday 1-5, Saturday 12-5, Sunday 11-3. My, my, I need to do something about that. A girl needs a day off every once in a while! I�m not even supposed to be available on Tuesdays (because of NHS meetings), but somehow they talked me into working� hmmm� and I�m not really on the schedule for Saturday, but Tasha really wants me to work� I�m going to try to get Emily to do it. But enough about work.

When I got off, I went back to Borders (I love living within five minutes of all these nifty stores). As I was walking to the front of the store to pay for The Chronicles of Narnia, I randomly remembered a book that I�ve been wanting for the looooooooongest time. It�s been one of my favorite stories for as long as I can remember, and it was my favorite movie when I was little� The Last Unicorn. Ohhhh my goodness, let me tell you how much I love that story. So of course I had to get it. Hehehe. I also picked up a mini-book entitled Passion from the Valentine�s Day display. It has a bunch of sweet love quotes in it (my favorite: �In this world love has no color... yet how deeply my body is stained by yours.� How sweet is that?) that reminded me of Cookie.

When I was paying for all of my nice things, I realized that I was $2 short. It was sad, but I decided I could buy the book of quotes at a later date. TCON and TLU could not wait. So, with a heavy heart, I asked her to take off the mini-book, which brought my total down just enough. When I got home, I showed Momma all the things I had purchased. I was about to throw my bag away, when I realized there was still something inside that was weighing it down. I looked inside, and there was my mini-book of quotes! The cashier had forgotten to take it out of the bag after she took if off of my total! I struggled with myself for quite some time over whether or not I should take it back and pay for it, but� I decided to keep it. I know, I�m evil. What are you gonna do about it? Yeah, that�s what I thought�

I really want a new layout. I wish I knew how to do it. I hate asking other people to do that sort of thing for me, though. Laura has such a beautiful Eowyn layout right now, and it makes me very jealous. I�m almost tempted to ask her to do one for me, but that would be extremely weird because I don�t even know the girl, I just read her diary everyday. She�s the person who influenced me to get a Diaryland account in the first place. She is an awesome writer, and very good with HTML. I�m very envious of her� in a good way I suppose. Devon is also good at doing layouts, but I hate to bug her about things as insignificant as my D�land layout� ahem�

Hi, my name is Erin and I�m a LOTR addict. This is getting out of hand, people. It�s all I ever think about. I want to live in a fantasy world like Middle Earth or Narnia. I want Unicorns to be real. I want to be an elf. I want to be friends with hobbits. I want to be able to speak Elvish. Oh my.

Um� on that note, I think I�m going to end this.

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