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Straight, No Chaser
Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003

Good lord, what a day. Nothing bad happened or anything, I just had a horrible day, especially at work...

I was scheduled to go in at 3 p.m., but since Tasha didn't have anyone else working today, she wanted me to go in ASAP. Monday and Tuesday I actually managed to make it to work by 12:15-ish, so I thought I'd do the same thing today. Wrong. Mrs. Thomas was being a BITCH in 3rd period and let us out late (we usually get out at 11:15 a.m., but today we left around 11:40 a.m.). On my way home, I called Tasha to let her know that I would be in a little later than expected.

When I got to work, Ashley was back in the pharmacy with Tasha. They both seemed a little irritated with me for being late. I'm sorry guys!! I got there as soon as I could. Anywho, Ashley went home and Tasha went on her lunch, so I was there by myself. I always hate being alone back there, because when people come and drop of their prescriptions and I tell them the wait is going to be a bit longer because the pharmacist is at lunch, they get mad at me! God, what do they expect, for the poor thing not to get a lunch break? Anywho, that always stresses me out.

When Tasha got back, she had to go right back upstairs to interview someone who could *possibly* (and hopefully) become our new tech (because as of right now, I'm the closest thing to a tech that our store has... scary, eh?), so I was left alone again. On a happier note, though, during the time that I was back there by myself, Alan and Charlie came to visit me. I was having a horrible day, but the two of them put me in a goofy mood. They always do. Heh heh.

When Tasha got back from doing the interview, she put me to work. I'm starting to learn more about the computer system in the pharmacy becase she is going to need me a lot more over the summer, especially since we are tech-less right now. The system is kind of hard to learn, and is a bit confusing at times. Well, I had to ask her a lot of questions, and I made a few *minor* mistakes, but she got kinda mad at me and said I was being "ditzy." She even went as far as comparing me to Jamie (one of our old technicians who, as much as I loved her, was the BIGGEST air-head I've ever known). That really pissed me off. She and I were not having a good day at all, and we fed off of eachother's negative energy. Not a pretty site. But, by the end of the day everything got better and we actually went home on time. But enough about work...

I'm sure you all want to know how the prom was! You can go here for Cookie's account of the night. Here's mine:

My day was, of course, very stressful. On top of the fact that I had to worry about hair, nails, etc., Cookie and I had an argument. I don't want to get into what it was about, but I was actually worried that he was going to bail on me. I should've known better than to think that, but I guess the stress of the whole situation made me think crazy thoughts. We had our little argument right before my hair appointment (which, by the way, took an hour and a half!), so when I got back from it I gave him a call, we talked, and then everything was fine.

He got to my house around 6:15 p.m., and we took lots and lots of pictures (which turned out quite nice!). We then proceeded to Mikado's Japanese Steakhouse. We had a really big group of people there, let's see... me, Cookie, Megan M., Zach, Allie, Hunter, Nicanor, Ben, Megan C., T.J., Peter, Rusty, and a few others. It was so much fun! Those Japanese guys are so funny the way they fling the food at people. Aaahahaha. It was a great place to go to dinner before prom.

After dinner we went to the dance, and I had a really good time. Yes, the music sucked most of the time (all they play at Wolfson dances is rap music, with the occasional "white" song thrown in), but that's okay. The only downside was that it was SO DAMN HOT in there! I wanted to take off all my clothes... heh... okay that was bad... anywho... everyone was sweating bullets. But whatever, I had a blast.

After the dance, Cookie and I headed back to my house. I took a shower and rinsed all the icky hair spray out of my poor hair. I feel so bad for my hair after I get an up-do because the hair dresser always yanks it so hard, and she has to use 1/2 a bottle of hair spray because I have so much frickin' hair. Anyways... I took my shower, then Megan, Allie, and Hunter came over, and Ashley (Joe's little sister) came over around 3 a.m. We had a case of Smirnoff, so we were set for the night. Woohoo! It was fun, a very memorable night. Thanks to everyone who made it so great. :)

I swear, this is going to go down in Parry family history as The Great Oil Change Crisis of 2003. It's horrible. The other day my dad left my mom a message and addressed her as the "Oil Change Queen." I don't think he's ever going to let her live that one down, and he shouldn't. My mom's a psycho. Heh.

Aw, Momma just called me and she is going to bring me Chik-fil-A for dinner. Now I feel bad for calling her a psycho. Oh, well.

I stole a Levaquin pen from the pharmacy the other day. It's purple, and really pretty. Just wrote something with it. I like it a lot.

Last Friday was Drew's birthday, and Lauren and I got him the cutest card. It had two puppies on the front, and when you open it, the inside says "Happy birthday from the adorable duo." Hehe. Now we've become known as The Adorable Duo. Hey, Lauren, when are they going to give us our parking spot? Cutest Team Members!! Hahaha...

I get so excited when someone I know starts a new diary. I feel like giving everyone a plug... So far I've influenced Ashley, Devon, Lauren, Alan, Cookie and Jason to do it. I guess you could also count Dean (his diary is funny as heck, everyone go read now) because I'm sure he heard about it from Devon who heard about it from me. Hahaha. And Raquel, too... I think she got the idea from Devon or me, not quite sure. It's great having an influence on people. Muahahaha.

Laura posted this on her diary the other day, and I thought it was kinda neat...

You know the parlor trick.
Wrap your arms around your own body
and from the back it looks like
someone is embracing you,
her hands grasping your shirt,
her fingernails teasing your neck.

From the front it is another story.
You never looked so alone,
your crossed elbows and screwy grin.
You could be waiting for a tailor
to fit you for a straitjacket,
one that would hold you really tight.

I love my Sisters. They're fun. Anyone looking for some good reads, visit some of my favorite Sisters: Ivy, Amy, Laura and Larien. Wow, I'm just in a link-y mood tonight. Hahaha. Everyone go read everyone else's diaries! Weee!

I'm on the phone with Cookie and he's playing guitar in the background. I like to listen to him play. :)

That reminds me, I've been listening to Razorblade Suitcase for the past few days. I love Bush. They rule. I remember when Devon and I used to be obsessed with them. Mmm, Gavin. ::drools:: Haha. But yeah, today on the way to school I listened to "Straight, No Chaser" like a zillion times. That is such a good song... Drink life as it comes, straight no chaser... There's nothing like losing you. Love it!

Alrighty, Momma is here with my din din. Must be going. G'night all.


Aww! Ashley from work (I wrote a little bit about her at the beginning of this entry) just e-mailed me, and she has started her own diary as well! Oh! And here is her web site, and there is a pic of me on it! Everyone go look! Anywho... an excerpt from her diary: Erin, my buddy who works with me, just raved about this thing so I had to come and see it. God, it's like she's forming a little "Diaryland Cult". Muahahaha, I have my own cult. Love it. Ha. Alright, nite y'all.

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