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Anxiety Attack
Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2003


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla

I can't stop with the quizzes! They're too fun! I think this one about sums me up... heh heh.

Well, if any of you have read Lauren's latest entry, then you know something crazy happened to me at work yesterday! Let me tell you the whole story...

Tasha was upstairs in the exec meeting, so Stephanie (the new tech we are training) and I were the only two down in the ol' pharmacy. We were chit chatting, just normal stuff, and we were standing at the counter. As she was talking, my stomach started to make this gurgly noise and it felt really funny, like I was going to throw up. Then I felt like there was a huge knot in my throat, and then I couldn't breathe. I looked at Stephanie and told her that I had to sit down, and I didn't know what was going on. I sat on a stool, and she got some wet paper towls and started putting them on my neck and forehead. I was so hot! Then my ears started going all crazy, it's hard to explain, but every sound was about 10x louder, and everything made my head hurt. I was looking at Stephanie, and she started getting more and more out of focus until all I saw was a big moosh of colors. I swear I thought I was going to pass out. I was still having a hard time breathing, and I still felt really sick to my stomach, so Stephanie was helping me walk to the little bathroom that we have right outside the pharmacy.

As I was walking out, Tasha was just getting back from the meeting. She went in the bathroom with me, and put some more wet paper towls on me. I was SO sweaty, ew, it was so gross. I sat on the bathroom floor with her for a while, and she was asking me a bunch of questions like "Did you eat anything today?" Yes. "Are you pregnant?" No. "Have you been under a lot of stress lately?" Umm... YES! So Tasha came to the conclusion that I had an anxiety attack. She said that by the way I described it, it seemed as though I was about to pass out. That's exactly what it felt like! I know it doesn't sound like much, but at the moment it was just about the scariest thing that's ever happened to me.

On a lighter note, I got to leave work after only two hours! Woohoo. I came home, watched HP and the Chamber of Secrets, and fell asleep. This morning when my mom came in my room to get me up, she asked me if I wanted to just stay home from school. Well of course I WANTED to stay home, but I didn't know if we were doing anything important in school today, and I didn't want to miss any crucial work. But after some careful thought I told myself that missing one day wouldn't kill me. After all, I have A's in all my classes, and I've already got enough points to graduate, so it doesn't really make that big of a difference.

When I woke up this morning, my mom told me that she had just gotten off the phone with Katie, one of my supervisors at work (I love Katie to death), and she had talked to Ashley (the store manager) earlier. She told them both about what happened yesterday, and that I wouldn't be at work today. She also told them that I'm not going to work that crazy schedule (seen here) where I work 6 days in a row! It's just ridiculous. I'm only supposed to work 20 hours a week, damnit. Katie told my mom that she had lost track of how many hours I've been working because Tasha does my schedule now, which I understand that completely. Katie rules, and I'm sure any of you Targeteers out there will agree with me on that one. And you know, Tasha rules, too, but she is a bit too demanding. So hopefully since my mom has had a little chat with Katie and Ashley things will start to get better at work. ::crosses fingers::

Ahhh, this is so nice. Just chillin' at home, watchin' Martha Stewart... I wish I could stay home from school more often.

Today is my mom's birthday, and I was going to get her a CD from Target that has nature sounds on it (you know the ones) like rain, ocean, etc. for her to do yoga to (my mom is WAY into yoga and she is SUPER good at it, hehe). But now I can't show my face in Target because I'm not going in to work becaus I'm "sick." What to do?! I guess I'll make a trip to the mall. It won't be as cheap at the mall, though, and I won't get my Target 10% discount. Oh, well. No biggie.

Today at 3:00 p.m. I have to go to the... GYNO! Eek! I have never been before. I'm quite the nervous girl over here. I'm going to Lauren's doctor (she came highly recommended, haha) so I know that she will be nice and everything but... I can't help but be scared. Especially with the way that Lauren described everything to me... ew. But I'm sure you all wanted to know this...

An excerpt from Devon's diary:

Like Erin... I can hang out with Erin and we act the same and talk the same and go through the same things. I have other friends that if I mentioned that I got drunk, they will shoot me a dirty look and then talk about their hair or something.

Ha! I love that girl. Devon, I love you! ::muah:: Mark my words, we WILL hang out some time soon. Hehe.

I've been going around leaving all my peeps notes... but some of you (ahem... Devon, Justin, Cindy, Dean) need to turn on your notes so I can leave you nice little messages! Heh. Okay kids, I think I've said all I have to say. Cheers!

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